About Us

Hello! Welcome to our Blog. Were a homeschooling family of 5, the children make up the 3, and mom and dad of course! We are a bilingual, quirky, and not quite the same as the rest of the world! we do things differently in our house!

 This is me, Im Stephanie and im currently 23, I know what your thinking. Thats far to young to be having 3 children. Yes. Yes it is. And along with many other teen moms we came out on top. fully responsible adults with happy healthy children!
I'm not ashamed to admit my age, to some it seems tabu.  we made some mistakes, but like i said turned out on top! 
I gave my life to Jesus at the age of 16 shortly before i gave birth to my first son Joshua. I'm so happy my life changed around for the better or my kids wouldn't be who they are today. i dedicated my life to Jesus and he told me to give my life to them, So that's why we home school. I want my children to grow up being able to show who they really are and not what the system tells them to be, You can read more about why we home-school here
I'm with the man of my dreams. (yes the father!) And we are happy living life. not to the full yet but getting there slowly achieving our dreams




Josh is currently 6 years old! my first baby, Josh is very challenging, he has passions for drawing and music. He loves to sing and he can memorize like no one i know! hes certainly clever. I have my thoughts about Joshua having some sort of ADD though it's not confirmed. We work through it like he does and its a challenge everyday to understand him but we work together as a team! 


Nicky is 4 though he is almost as big as he his older brother! alot of the time i hear '' are they twins?'' 
hes the same weight and a few pounds lighter so its no wonder! Nicky the joker, he cracks me up everyday. I had nicky shortly after josh there is 17 months between them. They are the best-est of friends though! i don't regret a thing.



Sammy is our latest addition!

Sam is now 1! how time goes so fast the first years, though the gap between the him and the older boys is big he fits just like a glove, they take care of him and he is such a blessing in our lives. he brightens up any dark day with his smile and laughter, having a baby in the house when we thought we were just going to have the 2 is wonderful! 

The baby girl? 

Who knows... life is always to be continued!


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