Friday, June 22, 2012
Why Homeschool?
A sunny day in September 2011 started out like any other day, Sent the kids off to preschool and had the baby next to me while i work on the computer, around 10 i get a phone school from hubs, an accident has happened in school. With my younger child Nicholas.
At first i was angry, i cannot deny i punched the wall! Why does this happen to us? (just around the same time the previous year Nicky caught influenza and was hospitalized at a different preschool) i get my things together and my hubs picks me up to get the kids from school. We arrive to see a very upset little boy with 2 missing teeth. what happened? a boy from his class pushed him down the slide he landed face first on the floor and his teeth came out.
The commutation between teacher and us has always been brief, Nicky did good today, have a nice day, good day! have a nice weekend.. always the same report in his agenda! not until teacher parent day would we find out Nicky was having trouble with this other boy. So we picked up both children and took Nicky to the dentist, got his teeth fixed and went for lunch and ice cream. Sitting at lunch me and hubs spoke about the event. And decided that we both felt the urge to home school. The strong feeling you get inside when you know the Lord wants you to do something, We felt this was the right thing to do. And from that day on the kids never went back to school!
So why do we home school?
We home school because we followed orders! Though we had to suffer and find out the hard way this was the path the Lord has for our children.
The first few months were hard, we didn't do school but just relaxed at home getting the feel of what all of us in the house all day would feel like. The kids thought they had extended vacations. We explained what we are going to do and the name Mami school caught on quick! Till today almost a year after we are still saying "Time for mommy school!"
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